The fourth annual Sishya Model United Nations (SISHMUN) conference was inaugurated here on Thursday; only seems to have got bigger and better. About 350 participants from 18 schools from India and abroad took part in the event. Newsletter and Press Conference to the world Press were added features this time.
The committee on ‘Disarmament and International Security` was one of the largest delegations at the three-day conference. “The most sought after session is the one where the resolutions are made and which requires the participants to have good knowledge of their country and world affairs,” says Arshan Soonawalla, a student from Sharjah.
Discussion on various themes, including the economic and financial situation, social and cultural issues, human rights, environment and Security Council figure in the agenda for the first two days. According to Sailaja Thampi, MUN director, the final day is the highlight where the General Assembly will be convened. Fouzana Feroze, who has taken the role of a World Press photographer, says her task is interesting as she does not have to sit in one place. “I am trying to get as many candid pictures,” says the class XII student.
The speakers spoke on the importance of development of young, dynamic and educated leaders for achieving sustainable economic development. Lily Thomas, trustee member, Sishya School inaugurated the MUN.