Theosophical Society, Adyar, Chennai the International head quarters
Radha Burnier, President of the Theosophical Society spoke at the 135th anniversary of the Foundation Day held at TS International Headquarters here in Chennai on Wednesday. She said "We are far from making universal brotherhood a way of life because we dwell on personal grievances and because of wars that deny brotherhood. But the beginning was made in 1875 when a few people met in New York and decided that the Theosophical Society needed to be founded. So even if we disagree with each other, we can still come close to brotherliness."
She said India had the largest following with 12,000 members. The society was most popular in the early decades of the 21st century when philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti was promoted as the world teacher.
As a part of the celebration of the anniversary Theosophists renewed their commitment and dedication to the noble objectives of universal brotherhood, humility, unselfishness, freedom of thought and inquiry.
Prof R C Tampi who spoke on the occasion called upon the members to be constantly reminded of the philosophy of universal brotherhood and freedom of the mind.