Kumari Palany & Co

Vacancies in Podhigai TV, Chennai - Regional News section

Posted on: 16/Sep/2015 10:25:38 AM
In the department of regional news in Podhigai Television, Chennai, it has been scheduled to fill up the posts for the following vacancies based on demand.

1. News reader
Age limit: Between 21 & 40
Academic qualifications: Graduate in any faculty in any approved university.
Technical skill: Graduate in Journalism in any of the recognized universities.

2. News compiler
Age Limit: Between 25 & 30
Academic qualifications: Graduate in any faculty from any approved university
Technical skill: Graduate in Journalism from any recognized university
Experience: Preferably 2 years experience of having worked in any television channel or newspaper.

3. Assistant News Editor
Age Limit: Between 25 & 30
Academic Qualifications: Graduate in any faculty from any recognized university.
Technical skill: Graduate in Journalism from any recognized university.
Experience: Preferably 2 years experience of having worked in any television channel or newspaper.

Interested & eligible candidates should fill up the application given along with this press release and attach copies of all required documents and certificates and send the same to the following address before 20th September. (Please note that a separate application should be made for different posts). 

Indicate the post applied for in the application envelope.

Head (news Section),
Chennai Television Station,
Swami Sivananda Road, 
Chennai – 600005.

Note these important points:
1. The selection process for the news reader will have 3 stages. Test on news reading ability, Facial appearance while telecasting, and interview (General Knowledge, Current Events, etc.)
2. For the posts of news compiler and Assistant News editor, interview (General Knowledge & current events) and test on translation will be conducted.
3. The selected candidates for the respective vacancies will be given only 7 days’ work in a month based on the demand.
4. This advertisement does not guarantee any job. The candidates who appear in the selected list are not entitled to claims like daily wages, or the rights of casual & permanent employees.
5. Doordarshan has full rights to make changes or cancel this advertisement without any prior intimation.
6. All rules & regulations are subject to change as and when required.