Kumari Palany & Co

A little about ABCD 2s Desi Diwali Disco

Posted on: 24/Oct/2016 1:16:44 PM
ABCD 2 is Chennai’s only kids Dance Party for kids between 6 and 12 years of age. Dance is an expression of joy and the concept behind ABCD was to give the kids some exclusive fun time. Last year, the occasion was Children`s’ Day. However this year, we chose Diwali as we felt that, when parents are hopping from one Diwali party to the other, the kids deserve their share of Diwali fun too.
Madras Metro Ladies Circle 70 is part of the larger group ladies Circle India and we are A non-profit, non-government organisation, part of a global Organization - Ladies Circle International. ABCD 2 is our Annual Fundraiser and the funds raised are used to Educate underprivileged children with proper schooling facilities, as well as Support Livelihoods of the Old, Abandoned and differently abled through community service.
LC India Motto is Educate to Enlighten

In the Past 8 years along with Round Table India, Ladies Circle India has built 4621 Classrooms and touched 5 million lives.  Cost Rs. 125/- crores

ABCD 2 is MMLC 70’s little initiative to raise funds for children through an event for children. - This time for Diwali. As a gesture to spread joy, Each child who comes has been asked to bring along a toy that we would share with an underprivileged child to bring a smile on his or her face this festive season.