Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission will be conducting the Group 4 services examination tomorrow. More than 15 Lakhs candidates are writing this examination throughout Tamil Nadu in 301 centres.
There are 5451 vacancies in government’s various departments including Junior Assistant, Bill Collector, Grade 1, Field Surveyor, Draftsman, Typist and Steno-Typist, The examination for the vacancies are to be conducted in various centres in all the districts on 6th Sunday. 15 lakhs candidates will be writing this examination in 301 centres.
In Chennai alone, more than 1 Lakhs candidates will be participating in this examination. The examination will be held between 10 am and 1 pm. Though minimum education qualification to these posts have been specified as matriculation, it could be seen that large number of graduates are appearing for this competitive examination. Engineering graduates are also appearing for this exam. There will be no interview for Group 4 services. The government job is confirmed if one just passes the examination.
In between, strict conditions have been stipulated to the candidates. In connection with this, V.Shobhana, I.A.S. Controller of Examinations in a press release has mentioned: Applicants should definitely bring the hall ticket. The hall ticket should be produced while entering the hall and also show it when the supervisor demands it. Applicants with the hall tickets will be permitted inside the examination hall. Parents accompanying the candidates will not be permitted. Electronic devices such as cell phone and calculator will not be permitted inside the hall. Strict action will be taken against the candidates who do not adhere to the rules.