Kumari Palany & Co

No more extensions of dates (after 30th Dec) to exchange invalid currency notes

Posted on: 29/Nov/2016 6:28:21 PM
The central government has announced that there would be no more extensions for the exchange of the invalid currency notes of Rs. 500/- and Rs. 1000/- after 30th Dec.

The central government also informed that these notes can be deposited in the Reserve Bank offices till 31st March.

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared that the currency notes of Rs. 500/- and Rs. 1000/- would be invalid on the night of 8th November. The central government had announced that these invalid notes can be exchanged in all banks and Post Offices.

Apart from it, it was also announced that these invalid notes would be accepted in petrol bunks, hospitals, milk booths, train reservation counters, and government services till 14th November. This was later extended till 24th November.

In this scenario, the central government announced that there would be no more extension after 3oth December for the exchange of invalid notes.