Kumari Palany & Co

Mahindra Excellence in Theatre Awards announces META 2012

Posted on: 23/Dec/2011 2:46:17 AM
To recognize and reward excellence in Indian theatre, The Mahindra group is proud to present, for the seventh consecutive year, Mahindra Excellence in Theatre Awards (META).

With an objective to award excellence in all aspects of theatre craft including playwriting, set design, costume and light design, direction and performance META is India’s national award for the theatre industry. Instituted by the Mahindra Group, in continuation of their commitment to promoting the arts, META 2012 aims at bringing together the best of Indian theatre.

From the entries sent on recorded DVDs, a selection committee picks the 10 best productions over a period of one week of intensive screenings and viewings at the end of January 2012. The ten chosen productions are then informed about the selection and invited to perform live in Delhi in front of a grand jury and the public. The performances will take place at the Sri Ram Centre at 4:00 PM and Kamani Auditorium at 7:00 PM everyday from 1st March 2012 to 6th March 2012. The awards night will be held on the 7th of March 2012 at the Taj Mahal Hotel, No. 1 Man Singh Road. Kabir Bedi will be the host for the evening this year.

On the occasion, Ravi Dubey, Creative Director of META said, “META 2012 is now here with a renewed vigour, an exciting agenda and a continuously evolving vision. With each passing year META has become increasingly geographically and linguistically representative of the entire nation. Since the inception of the awards, with an increasing number of entries, the quality of the productions has shown a remarkable improvement. To be able to touch the pulse of Indian theatre is a goal we hope we have achieved and that META 2012 will get us a step further.”

The Call for Entries for META 2012 is now open and information is available on the web site www.metawards.com