Teachers Recruitment Board will be conducting the test for the Secondary Grade Teachers on 29th April and for the Graduate Teachers on 30th April. 11 Lakhs applications are being printed. As per the central government’s The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act the Teachers Eligibility Test is to be conducted for secondary grade and graduate teachers who are working in the classes from 1st to 8th standard. Teachers Recruitment Board has been designated as the Nodal Agency for conducting of Teacher Eligibility Test and recruitment of Teachers
As per the rule of the National Council for Teacher Education, the TET should be conducted twice a year but due to court cases, the test was not held in Tamil Nadu for the last three years. Since the court cases are finalized, the Teachers Recruitment Board is taking steps to conduct the examination.
Teachers Recruitment Board has decided to conduct TET test for the Secondary Grade Teachers on 29th April and for the Graduate Teachers on 30th April.
In a letter to the education director, the Chairman of the Teachers recruitment Board has mentioned: The school education minister has asked to conduct the TET by the last week of April. Accordingly the Board has decided to conduct the exam as follows:
29th April,
Secondary Grade
Teachers-Paper 1
30th April,
Graduate Teachers -
Paper 2
Applications for the examination will be available in all the districts from 15th February to 8th March.
There will be 150 questions in the TET paper and to qualify one has to score 90 marks. For BC, MBC, SC and ST candidates the qualifying marks has been determined as 82 marks.