Distribution Overhead Lines Construction, Design, Inspection & Maintenance Training from 10th May to 12th May, 2017.
DATE: 10th May to 12th May, 2017.
Distribution Overhead lines continues to be the predominant method that electric utilities and municipalities use to deliver electricity to end use customers. For as long as overhead distribution has been around, there are many engineers, designers, line workers and technicians who have only a limited understanding of planning, design installation, inspection and maintenance principles that drive today’s overhead distribution practices.
Therefore, it is important that overhead lines and line equipment is inspected regularly to ensure a continuity of supply.
In a time of increasing concern for economies and service reliability, it is essential to gain a full understanding of these principles before attempting to change or improve current practices.
This three day comprehensive training will address issues on the components of overhead lines, line Inspection, line maintenance and implementation of safe working procedures. Participants will also have an understanding of the critical factors that affect the deterioration of overhead power lines and learn cost effective techniques. They will also understand a range of approaches available to assess the condition of overhead power lines.
- Understand major components of overhead lines
- Have a comprehensive understanding on line inspection and line maintenance processes
- Gain knowledge on wooden poles, steel poles and concrete poles
- Understand the importance of line Inspections
- Gain knowledge of ground Inspection methods
- Understand how to inspect line hardware, auxiliary equipment and clearances on distribution lines
- Understand Insulator inspection, technologies and techniques
- Learn the types of insulators used on overhead lines
- Learn condition assessment Inspections
- Gain knowledge on the tools and methods for Inspection and maintenance of structures and components
- Understand maintenance and testing of underground earthmat.
- Understand how to perform dead line maintenance
- Understand maintenance, refurbishment of overhead line structure foundations ,conductors, hardware and earthing in detail
- Understand servitude and environmental management of overhead lines
- Engineers
- Technologists
- Technicians
- Managers
- Linesmen
- Fieleld Service Technicians
- Consulting Engineers
- Utility staff working in system planning, inspection, operation and maintenance areas of Overhead power lines.
- 08h00 Registration
- 08h30 Starts
- 10h30 Mid - Morning Tea Break (30Min)
- 12h30 Lunch Break (1 hour)
- 15h00 Mid - Afternoon Tea Break (10 Min)
- 16h30 We Finish