The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has announced that there is a change of date on which the written test for the post of Executive Officers will be conducted.
A brief on the above press release.
TNPSC had earlier announced the date of the written test for the posts of Executive Officer Grade-3 and Grade-4 would be on 29th and 30th of April.
Meanwhile, it had also announced that TET (Teachers Eligibility Test) would also be conducted on the same dates.
Following this and considering the appeals made by the applicants, TNPSC had decided to change the dates for the written test for the Executive Officers Grade-3 and Grade-4.
As per the revised announcement, the written test for the posts of Hostel Supervisor and Physical Exercise Officer will be conducted on 20th May.
The written test for the posts of Executive Officers Grade-3 and Grade-4 will be conducted on 10th and 11th June respectively.