Very soon, attendance registers for students and teachers will turn obsolete in Tamil Nadu, as the state is sanctioning Rs 45 crore for setting up bio-metric attendance system and an independent module in schools.
In Perambalur District, a pilot project was launched. This later got expanded to 31 of the other districts.
There have been repeated complaints about teachers and students regarding class bunking, and proxy attendance marking. This mainly happens in rural schools, say the Department of School Education, Tamil Nadu. The proposal to set up BAS by the department has long been on the cards.
The proposal is finally taking shape with the government’s order on 13th March where Rs 45.57 crore was sanctioned for the project. During August last year, the Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation had made a feasibility study where ten recommendations were got.
Among the recommendations is linking of Aadhar card with BAS for teachers. This will be done on software developed by the National Informatics Centre. The last eight digits present in the national identity card will be the unique ID for teachers.
However, the corporation denied implementing a similar system for students. One of the recommendations is to give a laptop or tablet or desktop computer where specialized software can be installed and students can mark their attendance even before the beginning of regular classes.