The state government of Tamil Nadu has informed that interested students/parents can apply online seeking admission in private schools under the compulsory RTE (Right to Education).
A brief on the press release by the state government regarding this:
A special system has been devised for the children of the backward classes and those who have been denied admission in the government allotted quota of 25 percent can seek admission in self-financed private schools.
Clear guidelines have been provided by the state government in this system and effective from the academic year 2013-14, many children of economically backward classes and those who had been denied admission have joined in some self-financed private schools.
An amount of Rs.125 Crores has been granted by the state government of Tamil Nadu in this regard for the students who have been granted admission in private schools during the academic years 2013-14 and 2014-15 and continuing their education in the academic year 2015-16, and the children who were admitted during the academic year 2015-16.
In order to implement the Right to Compulsory Education act for the maximum effects as intended and to give a better scope for larger number of children from the backward community and those who were denied admission in private schools, and also to ensure transparency all related activities, clear guidelines have been given by the state government. Further, additional clear instructions have been given as under:
Applications can be made online to seek admissions in the academic year 2017-18 in the non-minority self-financed private (Matric) schools throughout Tamil Nadu under the 25 percent quota of 126262 seats available to join the kindergarten or primary school classes.
The parents can upload the filled application forms from this website wherever they are. The details of the successful registration will be sent as SMS to the parent’s cell phone.
Arrangement will be made to upload the above applications without any charges in all the offices of the Primary Education Officer, District Education Officers, Matriculation school Inspectors, District Primary Education Officers, Assistant Primary Education Officer, and Regional Supervisor,
Further, all the above 10000 e-service centres of the state government can be used to upload the application for admission to private schools.
In case the number of applications for admissions received is more than the allotted quota, the admissions will be made by conducting an open lucky-draw. The officers from the education department and the representative sent by the district collector will participate on the day of the lucky draw to supervise the event.
All the meritorious applications received for seeking admission to private schools from the sections denied the opportunity such as children who are orphans, children affected by HIV, transgender, children of the scavenger employees will be given priority in giving admission.
The list of the children admitted under the 25 percent quota by the government released by the non-minority, self-financed private schools will be officially released on the website.
Applications may be sent from 20th April till 18th May.
It is informed to the public to make the best of this opportunity provided by the state government for the parents to admit their children who have been socially denied the opportunity and the backward community.