The state government of Tamil Nadu has announced that the parents who are interested in applying to private schools for the admission of their children under the right to education act can now do this in the government e-service centres online. For this, they have to pay the necessary charges and submit the application online.
A 25 percent quota has been reserved in private schools for the students to be admitted in the right to education act. This admission process is being done online every year.
When applying online under this scheme for the admission in private schools, the photograph of the student, proof of date of birth, address proof, income proof of the parents, etc are to be uploaded after scanning. Care must be taken the size of the application does not exceed 400 kb after attaching all necessary documents.
However, this procedure may be rather difficult for the parents living in rural and village areas. Keeping this difficulty in mind, the state government has introduced this arrangement to apply online through e-service centres.
Make a list of preferred schools. Preference of up to 5 schools can be given while applying. If all necessary proofs and certificates are taken to the e-service centres, they can be scanned there and uploaded along with the application.
Also, ensure the proper filling of the application and check whether all requisite documents/proofs are attached and confirm that the application is 100 percent complete before sending it online.