Google has extended its translation services on offline mode. Search engine giant Google will be providing offline support to over 7 Indian languages. With this, visual transaction of road signs found in English can thus be translated into regional languages.
Further, support for Indian languages including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Marati, and Gujrati are included while Hindi language support is already in existence.
Breaking all the barriers prevailing in terms of languages, there are many updates made on Google Translate app. Now, it has further extended its services in its conversion mode on Tamil and Bengali languages as well.
To gain access to offline translation on Google Translate, users will have to download language pack for their preferred language on the app for which an internet connection is required only at the time of download though.
Furthermore, recent updates on Google Translate have also enabled visual translation. Using this, on Google Translate app, texts found on road signs or restaurant menus containing English texts can be translated using your phone’s camera.