The southern districts of Tamil Nadu has borne the brunt of the damages caused by the cyclone Okchi. Kanyakumari district, especially, has been most severely affected and has been cut off like an island. Because of the storm and rain, all the basic amenities for the public have been affected greatly.
In this situation, the cyclone Okchi has drifted towards the state of Kerala and caused very severe damages. It has now started moving towards the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat.
In its recent announcement, the Chennai Meteorogical Centre has informed that as the low-pressure zone formed over the Southeast Bay of Bengal has started drifting towards Andhra, there are strong prospects of heavy rains in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.
With the low-pressure zone, the ocean is in an agitated state. Because of this, the fishermen of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry are warned not to enter the deep seas for fishing in the next 3 days.