Kumari Palany & Co

Tamil Nadu Govt regulates parking rates in theaters

Posted on: 05/Dec/2017 5:25:14 PM
The state government of Tamil Nadu has regulated the parking rates for different vehicles in the cinema theatres. This is as per the amended section 10 of the Tamil Nadu Cinemas Act, 1955 (Tamil Nadu Act-IX of 1955). This will come into effect from 1st December 2017.

Accordingly, in the cinema theatres in the Municipal Corporations, Municipalities- Special Grade, the parking charges will be Rs. 20 for cars and 3-wheelers, Rs. 10 for 2-wheelers, and none for cycles.

In the cinema theatres located under Municipalities – other than the special grade, the rates will be Rs. 15 for the cars and 3-wheelers, Rs. 7 for 2-wheelers, and none for cycles.

In the cinema theatres located under the Town Panchayats and Village Panchayats, the rates will be Rs. 5 for cars and 3-wheelers, Rs. 3 for 2-wheelers and none for cycles.