Kumari Palany & Co

Burn belly fat with these foods

Posted on: 22/Dec/2017 5:43:45 PM
A lot of friends and relatives might have told the struggles they faced in burning their belly fat! In fact, many would not want to shed their body weight, but only their belly fat. Are you of the same kind too? The culprit is your 9 to 5 job and sedentary lifestyle. There is not enough time that you find for hitting the gym or heading out for an evening walk. On the other hand, you may be trying out different methods, but nothing is fruitful. If you’re worried about not getting the desired results, here are a few healthy intakes that can help you shed those extra fat deposits around the belly, as scientists and researchers claim healthy fat and healthy protein and healthy carbs can come handy with the same.

Do you have obese abdomen?

Before including these foods into the diet, it is important to know whether you actually have abdominal obesity. This kind of obesity is the belly fat that is deposited around the circumference of your waist. This can be measured right at your home.

Foods rich in fibre content can replace your belly fat with toned, slimmer abs. Below is a list of few foods that are rich in fibre. These will give you a fuller feel for long period and impart rich nutrients in your body, thus eliminating your urge to binge.


Eating nuts can largely reduce cravings and you can fight obesity and many other problems such as high blood pressure, wrinkles, heart disease, obesity, etc. Have a handful of nuts at a time in a day or toss a handful into the salad.

Green vegetables

As they are low in calories, they help in fighting obesity. They have very rich fibre content. It helps in digestion process and also shedding kilos.

Protein intake

Protein is the ultimate building block of our body. It helps in burning fat. That is why all those who wish to loose weight will include more protein in their diet.

Peanut butter

This is a very great option for losing weight. It is also low in cholesterol and keeps your immune system healthy.


You can build muscles and burn extra fat with eggs. Gym goers will always want to lose weight and build up their muscles. They mostly prefer having eggs. It is an integral prat of their weight loss diet.