Many parts of Tamil Nadu recorded light to moderate rains on January 9 and 10. Thereafter, the intensity of rains reduced and during the last 24 hours, only one or two places received rains rainfall. In the last 24 hours from 8.30 am on Thursday, Tiruchchirapalli recorded extremely light rain to the tune of 0.7 mm, followed by Karaikal at 0.2 mm.
In the same time span, Coonor also observed traces of rain. However, Chennai failed to record any rainfall activity during this period. These rains can be attributed to the trough of low and the cyclonic circulation which was persisting over Comorian region and adjoining South Tamil Nadu.
As per Skymet Weather, the cyclonic circulation has faded away and the trough of low has shifted towards the equatorial Indian Ocean. The moderate winds which were also blowing over the parts of coastal Tamil Nadu have also become light.
Now, it is expected that the weather would once again become dry over entire Tamil Nadu. In fact, Chennai would also not receive any rainfall activity until any significant weather system is seen over or around the state. As per weathermen, now the temperatures would rise marginally over Tamil Nadu including Chennai.
The weather during the day is expected to become sultry. The maximum temperatures across North and interior parts of the state would range between 30°C - 32°C. Meanwhile, in the southern parts, the weather is likely to be slightly warmer as the maximums would settle between 32°C - 34°C. While the minimum temperatures will settle in the lower 20s across the state.