Tamil Nadu has been experiencing dry weather for the entire month of January this year. In fact, there have been just two occasions this month when the city saw rains. Even then, only light rain was recorded over the capital city of Tamil Nadu.
On an average, Chennai receives 25.9 mm of rain during the month of January. However, this year, the state of Tamil Nadu has received only 1.9 mm of rain rain during the entire month of January. Thus, the month of January turned out to be the driest months in recent years.
As far as the temperatures are concerned, both the minimum and maximum temperatures have been settling marginally below normal over the city. At present, the weather during the day is warm and dry while nights are comfortable.
Unfortunately, the month of February has also begun on a dry note. However, good news awaits the residents of Tamil Nadu as a cyclonic circulation is expected to form over South Interior Karnataka and adjoining Tamil Nadu. Due to this, scattered rains of light intensity are expected over many parts of Tamil Nadu on February 5 and 6. Moreover, Chennai may also receive some spells of rain on February 6 and 7.
As per Skymet Weather, it is anticipated that during this time, the day temperatures will subside and there will be marginal relief from the ongoing warm weather conditions for Tamil Nadu.
However, weather will start clearing up by February 7 and day temperatures will be seen increasing. Thus, the sky will again become clear and sunny.
Courtesy: skymetweather.com