The Managing Director of the Department of Registration has ordered all the registrars that they must refrain from carrying out any field inspection/survey on an independent basis. The details of the order:
As per the Tamil Nadu Government Order released during June 2010 on Commercial Tax, the registrars from the Department of Registration must carry out the field inspection on the specified construction.
For the estimated value of up to Rs. 1 Lakh in rural areas and up to Rs, 2 Lakhs in urban areas, there is no necessity for carrying out field inspection. In case the location map approved by the Urban/Panchayat administration is attached along with the application for registration, field inspection is not necessary. It is sufficient to follow the dimensions in the map, estimate the value and enter the same and collect the difference.
In the settlement bonds of the inherited shares, if the maximum stamp value and the registration fee are paid, the registrars need not carry out the field inspection.