Everybody wants to be young, fresh and free from wrinkles etc but this is never possible because we all age as the time passes. It is known that wrinkles and lines appear on our faces as we age and we find it tough to cope up with those. Collagen present in us provides superb strength to the connective tissues. As more and more years pass the inner layer of skin or dermis becomes thinner, drier and elasticity gets reduced greatly and as a result skin succumbs to the wrinkles. Smoking is also one cause and it is said to accelerate the development of wrinkles in us.
But guys and gals please dont lose your sleep regarding this. By these methods we could take care of our skin and prevent wrinkles and lines appearing on our faces.
Protect skin - This is very important factor to prevent wrinkles. By using sunscreen, moisturizer etc we could protect our face and skin from sun.
Sleeping positions - This must be considered and care must be taken so that wrinkles and lines could be avoided. It must be noted that by sleeping in certain positions wrinkles are formed. Wrinkles appear on the side that is in contact with the bed.
Use cream rich in vitamin C - Collagen in the skin gets boosted by applying creams having vitamin C. It is important to mention that redness, dark circles wrinkles etc would be removed by this cream.
Proper food intake - By consuming foods rich in vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids etc wrinkles could be avoided easily. These above said nutrients help our skin healthy and shining.
Washing our faces repeatedly to be avoided - This is very important and must be followed for the skin to appear superb without wrinkles and lines. Moisture from the skin is lost when we repeatedly wash our face. So washing our faces again and again must be avoided.