Kumari Palany & Co

CMDA providing layout framework for Unapproved plots

Posted on: 12/May/2018 6:01:38 PM
Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) releases approved layout for the framework of unapproved plots in the Chennai Metropolitan Area. People with the unapproved plots can find the layout framework in the official portal of CMDA. The final regularization of unapproved areas are processed through this layout framework releases.

The verification of such a plot is taken into account before uploading the approval layouts of that particular plot. More than 150 layouts are approved by the CMDA and opened for public to download and used by the applicants for further plans or constructions on the earlier unapproved area.

The CMDA official said that Property Owner can check whether the unapproved plot comes under the limits of the 150 layouts uploaded in the portal. When it comes under the inclusion they can directly download the approval layout framework and submit for local regularization. All the Approved layout will be uploaded in the CMDA portal very soon and the current analysis shows more 500 layout frameworks approved for the regularization.

The files uploaded for these unapproved plots are in read-only formats and cannot be edited, revised or manipulated by the users downloading it.

Layout framework is very hard to prepare and after the documentations of the plots are finalized the entire layout will be escalated to the process of regularization scheme under CMDA rules and regulations.