Kumari Palany & Co

Poppy seeds are the cure for loose motion complaint (diarrhoea)

Posted on: 24/Aug/2018 6:46:44 PM
Poopy seeds are not merely used as additive flavour agents in many food items - it has certain medicinal properties as well including the provision to keep the body cool. However, there is a note of caution – use it only in limited quantities – excess quantity may lead to fainting.

When an infant/child cries persistently, take a handful of poppy seeds – grinds into a fine paste. Apply this around the bellybutton of the child/infant. The persistent crying/weeping will stop,

Take 10 grams of poppy seeds, a handful of neem leaves and a piece of Kasthoori manjal known as wild turmeric), Grind them together into a fine paste. Apply this paste in the scars formed after measles attack. It will start disappearing.

In case suffering from loose motion (or diarrhoea), take a small pinch of poppy seeds, put them in the mouth and start chewing slowly and then swallow. Then, drink a glass of water. The complaint of loose motion will get arrested.