Kumari Palany & Co

Health benefits of eating high fat based milk and milk products

Posted on: 13/Oct/2018 3:43:03 PM
Cheese, Yoghurt and Butter lowers the risk of type-2 diabetes said the recently conducted research. Though there are lots of conceptions around milk and milk products negative impact on human bodies the latest research found out that micro-organism cultured into the milk forming the milk based products can be easily absorbed by the body along with essential nutrients. It is always advisable to take milk products after it has gone through the bio-culture by the bacterial intervention.

Pasteurized milk can cause inflammation and allergic reactions in our body. So the first quality food will always be the milk and milk derivatives from the organic grass fed cows. Fat is one of the main macro nutrient that helps body to act against complex infections and other degenerative factors. So consuming organically obtained milk products can help to boost your immunity. On a flip side adulterated, highly processed and preserved milk products can do the reverse entirely destroying the immune response of the human physiology.

The recent research was done with the participants independent of the factors of age, sex, race, socio-economic status and physical activity. The results shown the facts of decreasing markers for type-2 diabetes on the participants who had sufficient healthy fat obtained from organic dairy based products.

The type of milk and milk-derivatives concerned with the disease causing bio-markers in human bodies should be widely observed and researched in future for determining the effects. The anatomic changes in the body with different milk products can give a broader perspective on the health benefits of dairy.