Kumari Palany & Co

Superb health benefits of consuming groundnuts

Posted on: 19/Dec/2018 10:31:51 AM
Loaded with proteins and minerals, groundnuts are cheapest nuts available to us. Groundnut is also known by other names like peanut, goober etc. They belong to the family named ‘Fabaceae’ is known. The important point is groundnut could be seen growing in tropics, subtropics etc.  By roasting, boiling, steaming or by shelling, these groundnuts could be consumed by us. The presence of healthy fats in the groundnut oil makes it superb for cooking purposes is known. It is important that we must consume groundnut or peanut as they have biotin, copper, niacin, folate, manganese, vitamin E etc in it.

Some health benefits of intake of groundnuts are

Bad cholesterol gets lowered, strokes avoided:

The heath of the heart is maintained by the presence of both good as well as bad cholesterol in the groundnut. By preventing the deposits of cholesterol in the blood arteries, the groundnuts prevent the risk of getting cardiac arrests in us. The presence of good cholesterol or HDL and omega-3 fatty acids helps in lowering the bad cholesterol and in keeping the arteries clean. By this issues like strokes are avoided.

Gallbladder disease avoided:

Now a day’s gallbladder diseases are on the rise and many people are getting affected by these issues. The symptoms would not be visible in these persons having gallbladder diseases. The shocking information is once diagnosed with gallbladder disease the gallbladder has to be removed. Low in fat and cholesterol, groundnuts prevent gallbladder diseases in us.

Weight gain issues avoided:

To lower the appetite, peanuts or groundnuts could be consumed by us before taking meals. These peanuts are protein rich and low in calories and these lower our appetite effectively. We would eat less and our weights would not increase.

Colon cancer avoided:

Stomach and colon cancer affects many these days. It is good to consume groundnuts as it could reduce the risk of getting colon or stomach cancer in us.

Fertility is increased:

The chances of getting pregnant are improved by the intake of groundnuts having folic acid. Folate present in the groundnut plays a huge role in the foetus development. It is easier to conceive when there is enough folate present in the women.

Blood sugar gets regulated:

In people with diabetes issue, intake of handful of groundnut could lower the blood sugar effectively. Excess of blood sugar in the body could cause vascular damage and this could be repaired by the antioxidant property of groundnut.

Fights depression:

A chemical called tryptophan is increased by the intake of groundnuts and later serotonin production is increased. Serotonin is a happy hormone and it enhances our mood and reduces issues like depression etc.

Superb for memory power:

Our memory gets enhanced by zinc present in the groundnut and the presence of vitamin B2 and niacin enhances the cognitive functioning of the brain.

Prevents Alzheimer’s disease etc in us:

It is said that the intake of groundnuts could help us in preventing issues like Alzheimer’s didisease etc Presence of niacin and vitamin B2 does superbly in preventing cognitive damage to the brain due to age.