Kumari Palany & Co

How long will the chilly winter climate persist in Tamil Nadu?

Posted on: 02/Jan/2019 2:48:04 PM
Mr. Selvakumar, who analyses the weather aspects and developments on his own self-initiative, has explained regarding persisting strong cold climate in Tamil Nadu:

‘A low-pressure zone has stabilized presently over the coastal area near Somalia. This has started absorbing/attracting the cold wave presently persisting in North India. This depression zone is trying to absorb the cold wave from North India via the state of Odisha and adjacent Bay of Bengal. So, it has started absorbing the cold wave presently persisting in Tamil Nadu as well.

As there is a situation, known as ‘Anti-cyclone’, is prevalent in the central part of India, which is quite contrasting in nature to the above mentioned cold-wave absorption.

Because of this phenomenon, the present chilly-winter situation prevails.

With this, in the Tamil Nadu coastal zone, apart from the snowfall, the cold wave is also blowing across. Only due to this development, there has been a strong chilly climate persisting in Chennai as well as several other parts of Tamil Nadu.

The above situation may persist until 4th January. Further, another cyclonic format has developed over the area near Thailand which may lead to prospects of rain. However, there is no link whatever between this and the Tamil Nadu weather. As such, there are no prospects of rain Tamil Nadu due to this.

However, depending on the developments happening on the above cyclonic format, the trend of the persistent chilly weather in Tamil Nadu might change.

The cyclonic format over Thailand is expected to intensify on 4th January. Till that period, the chilly wintry weather and the cold wave is likely to persist in Tamil Nadu.