The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has informed that the year 2018 had one the hottest summers in the last 100 years. The report with the details of the climate conditions in the year 2018 has been released on behalf of IMD. It mentions:
‘The average daily temperature during the year 2018 has been higher by 0.41 Degrees Celsius as compared to the yearly average temperature records. As per the records taken from the year 1901, the year 2018 happens to be the 6th hottest summer experienced over this period. Until now, the 5 years of 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016, and 2017 were the hottest summer years.
In the summer season experienced before the onset of winter and the southwest monsoon rainy season, there has been an increase of 0.59 degrees Celsius in the temperature as compared to the average figure.
6 cyclones were formed during the year 2918, Out of these, 3 cyclones were formed over the Arabian Sea and drifted towards other directions bringing no rains the Indian sections. Later, the cyclone ‘Titli’ caused rainfall in the state of Odisha. The cyclone Gaja provided rains for the state of Tamil Nadu. The cyclone Phethai produced rains for the state of Andhra.
All large scale weather-related natural disasters which cause heavy damage such as heavy rainfall, cyclone, very hot climate, winter cold waves, snowfall, dust-storms, and destructive lightning and heavy floods were all experienced during the year 2018.
With the above natural disasters, 800 lives were lost. Out of this, in the heavy floods experienced in the state of Kerala alone, 223 lives were lost. 158 lives were lost in the State of Uttar Pradesh and 139 lives were lost in the state of Maharashtra.