Tamil Film Producers Council with the support of the entire Indian Film Fraternity proudly presents “The Maestro isaignani Ilaiyaraaja’s magical 75 years journey & celebrates his contribution to the Indian film industry. Day One, “Feb 2nd, 2019”, will see the live performances by top heroines for Ilayaraja best songs in the presence of pan Indian superstars. The day will also witness speeches by star celebrities and skits and Anchoring by popular actors
Day Two, "Feb 3rd, 2019", exclusive live in concert by Maestro isaignani ilayaraja`s & his orchestra. Mesmerising hits on live performances. India film industry &, musicianship with various playback singers performing. Best of best in celebrating magical 75 years journey of our maestro isaignani ilayaraja`s endless music journey.
Date: 02 Feb 2019
Venue: YMCA Grounds: Chennai