The Tamil Nadu Transport Department has announced that the functioning of Metropolitan Government buses will not be affected due to the one-day strike called for by the TESO.
- A transport officer said, that the buses functioning from eight zones will be plying.
- No untoward incidents were reporter so far.
- DMK leader M.Karunanidhi has appealed to all the people to observe the strike, without indulging in riots or arson, for the success of the strike.
- In Chennai, several essential services were not affected, though in Saidapet and T`Nagar area, some shops when started for their day-today activities, some sympathizers requested the shop owners to down their shutters to express their solidarity.
- People call it a peaceful bandh. Not much vehicles plying on the Anna Salai in Saidapet and Nandanam area.
- Supply of milk was not affected and Schools, Colleges remain open
- Left parties, PMK not to support TESO strike
- K.N. Nehru and DMK members arrested in Trichy
- Here some live pictures from KK nagar