Kumari Palany & Co

Prospects of mild rain in 1 or 2 places for a few days in Tamil Nadu

Posted on: 18/Feb/2019 12:59:40 PM
There are prospects of mild rain in 1 or 2 places for the next few days in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.

The Chennai Meteorological Cenre officials shared in this regard:

‘The cyclonic format which prevailed in the upper layers of the atmosphere over the Bay of Mannar has weakened. However, a new cyclonic format has developed and prevailed over the Telangana area.

Apart from this cyclonic format, a linked low-pressure format is prevailing over the area covering Kanyakumari Ocean to the interior Tamil Nadu. Due to this, there are prospects of mild rain in 1 or 2 places for the next few days in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.

The Chennai Metro City will be partly cloudy. However, there are no prospects of rain.`