The mega national blood donation drive captioned "bpositive" organized by Rotary International District 3230 on 13th February has collected record of 67,000 units all over India. In District 3230 which covers Chennai, Thirvallur, Thiruvanamalai, Kancheepuram & Vellore the collection is 5,800 units. According to informed sources this is a record collection in a single day.
District Governor Raja Seenivasan who master minded the entire operation all over the country said, "People from all walks of life including many college students came forward in large numbers and donated blood. There is no substitute for human blood. Each donation can help save three lives, therefore we are delighted that Rotary has been able to help community by providing valuable blood which helps in treatments of patients at various hospitals. We will continue to strive and help the community at large in what ever way possible.