Kumari Palany & Co

Sensational High Court Verdict - usurping the lands for 8-lane highway invalid

Posted on: 08/Apr/2019 2:35:26 PM
The Chennai High Court delivered a sensational verdict that the land usurped for the 8-lane highway Salem Project is not valid.

The 8-lane highway from Chennai to Salem was planned as a project via Kanchipuram, Thiruvannamalai, Krishnagiri, Dharmapuri, and then Salem. So, the related agricultural lands on this route were taken over. However, the public, farmers, and social enthusiasts have been protesting this right from the start.

So, the ‘friends of the globe’, the landowners, and farmers and a lot more others filed a petition against this in the Chennai High Court.  The enquiry of this petition was being conducted by a special bench of judges including T. S. Sivagnanam, Bhavani Subbrayan, and others.\It was argued on behalf of the central government that the project will commence only after the approval from the Ministries of Environment and Pollution and the Ministry of Forestry. It was informed that the lands will be taken over in full after this approval.

After hearing the presentations, the judges adjourned the date of the verdict without informing the date.

In this scenario, the panel of judges delivered their verdict today (Monday, 7th April) that the usurping of land was invalid.

The advocate of the farmers, advocate Kanakaraj, explained in this regard the judges have delivered the verdict that the government must cancel the order. The corrections made in documents in the revenue part should be reverted and the documents, as original, must be handed over along with the lands to the respective farmers. The project may be commenced only after the approval from the central ministry of environment and pollution. The judges had observed that it seems that the activities such as usurping the lands have been carried out with undue haste.