The temperatures in the last few days have been high and it had caused huge discomfort for the people in many parts of Tamil Nadu. It is said that the state of TN is reeling under heat wave like conditions now. The latest piece of news is some parts of the state of TN could get respite from the searing heat as the meteorological department has predicted some parts of TN to get light to moderate rains on 12th of May.
Till Saturday, the weather in Tamil Nadu would be very hot. The important information collected is a trough that is forming 900 m above the mean sea level is likely to bring rains in the state of TN. By this rain, people would get some relief from the scorching sun. It is worthy to mention that in the last 24 hours of time ending on Wednesday morning Vallathi anaicut in Trichy district received 10 cm rains. This is now the highest rainfall recorded in the state of TN. Places such as Chengalpattu and Kancheepuram recorded one cm rainfall.
It was later pointed out by some official belonging to the meteorological department that many areas experienced blistering heat because of the fact that easterlies that bring cool air remained weak. It is revealed that the winds from west and northwest direction grow stronger and lead to heating up of the land. Many districts in TN experienced intense heat and maximum temperature reached 4 degrees above the normal on Wednesday. In places such as Thiruttani, Vellore, Madurai, Nagapattinam and Parangipettai, the maximum temperature peaked above 40 degree Celsius.
The amazing information is after the searing heat thunderstorms came to the rescue for those residents belonging to places like Karur and Trichy. The point is Karur recorded 3 cm of rains and Trichy recorded 1cm of rain till 5:30pm. The residents of Chennai had tough time and the temperature in Chennai stayed above 40 degree Celsius for the third consecutive day. In Chennai, Nungambakkam recorded 41.3 degree Celsius and Meenambakkam recorded 41.6 degree Celsius.
It must not be forgotten that in the year 2017 Nungambakkam experienced a maximum of 10 hot days when the temperature crossed 40 degree Celsius. The day temperature shoots up whenever sea breeze sets in late and this was as per Mr. Puviarasan, director Area Cyclone Warning Centre. The point to be noted is Chennai’s soaring mercury levels have been influenced by the dry weather condition in places like Rayalseema and north interior Karnataka etc.