A temperature of over 100 Degrees Fahrenheit has been recorded at 8 places in the state of Tamil Nadu yesterday (Sunday, 12th May). A maximum temperature of 108 Degrees Fahrenheit was recorded at Tiruthani and Vellore.
Trichy and Karur Paramathi recorded 106 Degrees. Madurai (airport) recorded 105 Degrees. Palayamkottai and Salem recorded 104 Degrees. Dharmapuri recorded 100 Degrees. Chennai recorded 98 Degrees.
At the same time, the Chennai Meteorological Centre has informed that there are prospects of mild rain due to the phenomenon of thermal convection.
An official from the Chennai Meteorological Centre shared:
‘The impact of the scorching heat was intense in a few places in Tamil Nadu on Sunday (yesterday, 12th May). However, at the same time, it rained in a few places as well! This condition will prevail for some more time. Due to a recent low-pressure zone formed over the region of Rayalaseema to interior Tamil Nadu and also due to the phenomenon of thermal convection, there are prospects of mild rain in a few places in Tamil Nadu today (Monday, 13th May).’