The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has informed that the onset of the southwest monsoon rainy season is delayed by 5 days and is set to commence on 6th June.
The notification by IMD mentions:
‘The onset of the southwest monsoon rainy season in Kerala usually occurs on 1st June every year. However, this is being delayed by 5 days this year 2019 and is set to start on 6th June. As per the climate conditions, the monsoon rainy season may onset 4 days earlier or later.`
A conducive climate prevails for the southwest monsoon rainy season to start earlier in Andaman Nicobar islands and over the southeast sections of the Bay of Bengal. It is informed that there are prospects of the southwest monsoon rainy season starting in south Andaman on 18th or 19th May.
Earlier, the private weather agency Skynet had informed on Tuesday (14th June) that the southwest monsoon rainy season onset will be on 4th June. Though there is a change in the dates announced by both above agencies, the common note is that the onset of the southwest monsoon rainy season is delayed.
IMD had earlier announced that the estimation was that the rainfall this year also will be as per the average expected level in April. However, Skyment has announced that this year’s rainfall will be lesser than average.
In case the onset of the southwest monsoon rainy season is delayed, it will be the 4th such occurrence since the year 2014. In the year 2014, the southwest monsoon rainy season commenced on 5th June. In the year 2015, it started on 6th June. In the year 2016, it started on 8th June.
However, during the year 2017, the onset of the southwest monsoon rainy season was earlier on 30th May itself. However, the rainfall was lesser the average extent.