Kumari Palany & Co

Beware of online and home-based jobs!

Posted on: 27/Mar/2013 10:25:03 AM
The number of people who have been cheated by others who claim high returns for online and home-based jobs is increasing day by day. In most cases, the applicant needs to pay a ‘deposit’ that earns an unimaginable sum for minimal work done. The money, once paid, is not seen any more as is the person who promised the returns.

Here are the few tips for you and your friends. Keep these in mind while applying for an online job (where you need not visit the said office) or a home-based job.

1.Read the job description carefully. Make sure you understand the fine print.

2.Do not pay any money from your end.

3.Double check the company’s credibility. Ask around, google, research.

4.It is always safer to approach known companies and work towards your terms and conditions.

5.Do not stop learning and seeking information. Info makes life better.

6.Open your own website or blog. Use varied social media to showcase your talent/s.

7.Invest time and effort into creating an attractive resume. Float it and make sure it is appropriately visible.

We hope that these tips help you get the job of your dreams. Good luck!