Kumari Palany & Co

Residents of Chennai face many issues regarding metro water tankers now

Posted on: 30/May/2019 9:53:15 AM
The water crisis in Chennai city has reached such an extent that many residents depend only on the metro water tankers to get water supply to meet their daily requirements. It is brought out that the residents not only are running out of water but also the ways to procure it.

The shocking information collected is the pipelines have become dry and the waiting time period for the metro water tankers have gone up from the previous fortnight to the current 3 weeks. In addition to this the private water tankers have increased their rates by 40 percent.

A resident belonging to OMR in Chennai spoke about how the residents were scared regarding the water tankers. He spoke about how the residents feel that if they bargain or protest then it might make the situation even worse as the water tankers might charge even more. He expressed his unhappiness about the prices that have increased in 2 weeks of time. The important information is metro water is an option for these residents and in addition to the increase in the rates the residents are facing delay in the supply of water also now.

According to an official belonging to metro water department, it is clear that residents sometimes wait for 3 weeks to get their truckload of water. He added that multiple bookings, especially after the private water tankers have increased their rates, by those in the apartment complexes result in backlogs.

It must be taken into account that if there are 10 families in an apartment complex where 40 people live then their requirement would be 9000 litres of water that could be stored and used for 2 days. The information collected is on an average a family consisting of 4 members requires 500 litres of water every day.

It has been mentioned that in an apartment complex each resident uses his or her CMC number to book water tanker on a given day. The main purpose was to get large quantities of water in a day. Depending upon the number of residents in the apartment complex, metro water would be restricting the number of bookings in the future. This would be introduced soon and cut the delay in the distribution of water. This was as per an official of metro water department. Private water tankers have increased their rates after realising that metro water would not be able to cater to the requirements of the residents.