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For uploading the photos of traffic rule violators, Chennai police to launch an app

Posted on: 07/Jun/2019 9:44:34 AM
Every day we come across many people who violate the traffic rules like over speeding, not wearing helmets, jumping signals, crossing the stop lines etc. Many efforts have been taken to prevent traffic violation and the latest one is Greater Chennai police would be introducing a mobile application in a few days of time.

It is now said that by using this mobile app the public would be able to shoot pictures of those who violate the traffic rules in Chennai. On Thursday, 6th June 2019, Greater Chennai police had informed Madras High Court regarding this.

As per Mr. P.H. Arvindh Pandian, Additional Advocate General or AAG, mobile application would involve the citizens in enforcing the law. It must be noted that AAG was appearing before the Division Bench of Justices Mr. Manikumar and Mr. Subramonium Prasad who were seized of a public interest litigation petition for compulsory wearing of helmets even by those who ride pillion. 

The important information is the judges expressed their disappointment over the non- implementation of the law. The law requires both the riders on every 2-wheeler to wear a helmet. It was later pointed out by the additional advocate general that the Chennai city police had booked as many as 422,152 cases between January and June 5th in 2019 for not wearing helmets. It included cases against 313,357 2-wheeler riders and 108,795 pillion riders.

The important point to note here is the AAG Mr. Arvindh Pandian, mentioned about Justice Kirubakaran of the HC, who had in one of the judgement passed on 8th June 2015 directed the officials to suspend the driving licences of those who ride motorcycles without wearing helmet. 

To prevent the police from enforcing a compulsory helmet rule, 2 public interest litigations were filed in the curt is known. On 30th June 2015, the first Division Bench of Chief Justice Mr. Sanjay Kishan Paul and Justice T.S. Sivagnanam dismissed both the petitions as the single judge’s order was aimed at saving lives.

Point to be noted is after recording the submissions made by the Additional Advocate General, the Division Bench led by Justice Manikumar had granted him time till Wednesday. The purpose was to submit a report on the action taken by the police so far to implement the helmet rule. In addition to this the AAG was also given time to submit a compilation of judgements passed so far on the issue by different Benches belonging to High Court.