The residents belonging to the Chennai city are feeling much better now as the city has become cooler now due to the rains in Chennai in the last few days. On Friday evening, 28th June 2019, some parts of the Chennai city received light showers after a relatively hot day is known. The information is Chennai city might get similar showers during the weekend also and this has been confirmed by the meteorological department.
Point to be noted is places like Nungambakkam and Meenambakkam recorded maximum temperatures of 39.9 degree Celsius and 40.1 degree Celsius respectively. It is revealed by the officials belonging to the meteorological department that the low pressure area likely to form over North Bay of Bengal might not have any impact over the state of TN and it would move in the northwest direction.
The south-westerly winds would pick up speed and the monsoon activity would accelerate due to weather system. Few parts belonging to the Chennai city might get light rains. This was confirmed by Mr. Puviarasan who is the director of Area Cyclone Warning Centre. He then added that there are only limited chances of many areas of Chennai receiving thundershowers till Sunday.
Information gathered is the sky would be generally cloudy and the maximum temperature would be around 37 degree Celsius till Sunday. The thunderstorm activity has been responsible for Nungambakkam and Meenambakkam receiving 4 cm and 8 cm of rainfall in this June month.
To dispense water faster, metro water has fixed more taps in the water tankers. Earlier with just 2 taps, the time taken for distribution was 3 hours and more taps were added to reduce the distribution time to just 45 minutes. It is said that in areas including Chintadripet out of total of 657 streets nearly 489 streets were not getting enough water through pipeline.