The water scarcity in Chennai city has now made many residents to depend on the water supplied by the metro water tankers. There were some difficulties in booking these water tankers by online method and many complaints were made by the people. The latest news is Chennai metro water is having plans to add more payment gateways in a week to stabilise its ‘Dial for Water 2.0’ service.
It is important to mention here that this ‘Dial for Water2.0’ service was launched nearly a month back so that duplication of booking from same premises is avoided and also to reduce the waiting time of delivery. Many residents of Chennai faced issues in booking tanker load by this service.
It has been pointed out by a resident of Gandhi Nagar in Adyar that he found it difficult to book a tanker through this service. He spoke about how he received messages that payment queue was full and how within few minutes the booking slots for 9000 Iitres and 12,000 Iitres got filled up. For others who have got through booking, making payment posed challenges.
The residents explained about how the amount for the water tanker gets debited but the transaction cannot be completed. Another resident belonging to T. Nagar spoke about how the water agency could allow booking for the next few days available instead of the second day from the day of booking to ease the situation.
To provide better options and to reduce payment failures, more payment aggregators are being identified now and this was as per the officials belonging to the metro water department. These officials even admitted that there were payment related issues.
An official later explained bout how every day through ‘Dial for Water 2.0’ services as many as 2000 bookings were received by the metro water department and how water was delivered in just 2 days. In areas 6, 8, 9, 10 and 13 such complaints were common as these areas have less piped water supply. Information is as street supply is prioritized over paid water tanker supply there is surge in the demand for the ‘Dial for Water 2.0’ service from these areas. It is brought out that steps are taken to improve it