Kumari Palany & Co

Severe penalties for parents in case school students drive vehicles!

Posted on: 09/Sep/2019 2:34:06 PM
As per the revised Motor Vehicles Act, severe penalties will be imposed if school students under the age of 18 years drive vehicles. Also, driving licenses will not be given to the violator until the age of 25 years.

The revised Motor Vehicle Act specifies that in case the school students under the age of 18 years drive vehicles, heavy penalties will be imposed on their parents! Further, stringent conditions will be followed when these violators apply for driving licence.

The Salem Circle traffic police officials shared in this regard:

‘As compared to the last 5 years, there has been a 15% increase in school students (boys and girls) driving 2-wheelers. It is mandatory that the driver should be well-versed with all the Traffic Rules and regulations. This is why several stages of training are imparted before the issue of driving licence.

However, some parents, just for prestige or upper-class category-sake, hand the 2-wheelers to the boys and girls. These boys and girls tend to drive the vehicle at 80 kmph! Sometimes, they carry 2 mores on the pillion even as they drive fast! Due to this, the drivers who are behind them tend to get involved in accidents.

In the latest revised Motor Vehicles Act, extreme importance is given to prevent the young ones driving vehicles. As per 2019 ACT Section 199 (A), in case of school students/others under the age of 18 are caught driving the vehicle, the concerned parents or guardians will be imposed a penalty of Rs. 25,000 and will be imprisoned for 3 years. Further, the concerned boys/girls will not be allowed to drive for a further 1 year.

Also, driving licence will not be given to the above offending children until they reach the age of 25 years!

It is worth noting at this juncture, that the highest penalty in the Motor Vehicles Act now is for the young ones driving vehicles!

So, the parents are doubly cautioned not to give 2-wheelers to the young ones any vehicle just for prestige-sake!’