Tamil Nadu Weatherman, in a special report, mentions that due to the cyclonic effect within another cyclonic format in the upper layers of the atmosphere, there are prospects of rains in the early mornings - a rather pleasant and rare experience to wake up and watch it raining – Isn’t it?
The above cyclone within a cyclonic format leads to the prospect of heavy rains!
This prospect of heavy rain is quite strong, especially in the districts of Thiruvannamalai, Vellore, and Villupuram. It is quite likely in the other districts of Cuddalore, Kanchipuram, Thiruvallur, Chennai, Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri, and Salem! Even Dindigul and Trichy districts may experience heavy rains.
The city of Bengaluru was on the list of cities with the impact of hot weather over the last few months. However, there is a change in that trend now and the weather has turned conducive to rains in Bengaluru!
This is the concluding phase of the southwest monsoon rainy season. As a concluding part, we may have strong prospects of good rains in the next 4 days.
There are prospects of rain in the districts of Chennai, Kanchipuram, and Thiruvallur this afternoon (Saturday, 21st September) or in the night session.
Tamil Nadu Weatherman has registered that the ensuing next 4 days would be rather interesting weather-wise!