Kumari Palany & Co

Chennai Central railway station parking is highly congested

Posted on: 27/Sep/2019 10:23:25 AM
Cars lining up and jostling for space is a common sight now in Chennai Central railway station.

In Chennai city, Central railway station is an important place and people come from various parts of the city to the central railway station and park their vehicles here.

It is now said that getting a parking space here is extremely difficult. A resident of Chennai spoke about how it took him 15 minutes to find a parking space at the Central railway station when he went to receive his relative. He added that he went 2 rounds in and out of the premises and still could not find a parking space to park his vehicle.

Point to be noted is the premium car parking has been closed here and this space where around 50 cars could be parked at a time has been taken over by metro rail for construction of entrance and exit at Central metro station. There is just one parking area available now and due to this cars line up to jostle for space in the only lot that could accommodate 100 cars at a time.

Congestion becomes more when some motorists park their vehicles on the pavements or by the side of the carriageway. The movement of the vehicles gets blocked when 2 vehicles get parked side by side. It must be taken into account that the parking lot managers were not able to provide a solution for the congestion here.

A parking lot manager spoke about how there was only limited space available for parking of so many cars. He explained that between 6 pm and 9 pm (peak hours) the situation goes beyond their control as 4 or 5 trains arrive at the same time. A senior official of the railways spoke about how their department has been getting complaints from the passengers and from those who come to pick them.

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