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Want to increase your blood platelet count level, then eat these foods

Posted on: 05/Oct/2019 3:29:49 PM
It is for some reason October is called as the ‘in between month’. It must be noted that in this month monsoon gets over and rains could be possible also. The days could be little hot and in the end of the month winter would begin slowly.

It is brought out that this weather fluctuation could lead to many diseases in us. Important point is general increase in the population of the mosquitoes could lead to issues like dengue fever, malaria fever etc in us. Persons affected by dengue would have their platelets count decreasing from the third day onwards.

Sometimes other causes like viral infections, aplastic anaemia,  deficiency of vitamin B12 etc  could also result in low blood platelet count .It is worthy to note that low blood platelet count means low ability to fight against diseases.

There are certain foods that must be consumed for the blood platelets counts to increase.

Intake of papaya leaves and fruit:
It must be noted that papaya leaves as well as fruit could be consumed for the blood platelets to increase in us. It is known that vitamin A is present in papayas and hence papaya is a superb food.

Intake of pomegranate:
This fruit has got iron, vitamin C and antioxidants in it is known. Intake of pomegranate could help us in combating low blood platelet count.

Intake of leafy greens:
This is also one superb food that we could consume for our blood platelets to increase. Leafy greens have vitamin K in them. It is said that intake of vitamin K could help in blood clotting. Spinach, kale etc are good to increase the blood count level.

Intake of pumpkin:
By the intake of pumpkins, our blood platelet count gets more as these pumpkins are rich in vitamin A. Regulating proteins produced by our body cells is possible by the consumption of pumpkin.

Intake of garlic:
Known for its distinct smell, garlic is often used in making many dishes. It is said that by consuming garlic our blood platelet count would increase. It also acts as a blood purifier in us. The thromboxane A2 present in the garlic plays a vital role in increasing the blood platelet level.

Intake of beans:
It must be noted that by eating different types of beans like pinto bean, black bean and turtle bean etc the blood platelet count would be more. The presence of folate in these types of beans could boost the blood platelet count.

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