On Thursday, the popular D.G. Vaishnava College in Chennai was buzzing with people. It must be noted that the second edition of the national HR Congress ‘Tarang” took place at this famous college. There were 5 sessions and 14 speakers plus many bright young minds made their presence felt in this Tarang.
The Department of School Management of this college is celebrating its silver jubilee in this year and for that this one day event was held. The main topic of this Tarang was ‘Hire, Train and Retain’.
It is important to mention that this event was organised for the aspiring marketing as well as for the management students of D.G. Vaishnava College. Point is inaugural session was presided by the college principal Mr. R. Ganesan, Mr. Sudarsan Chandrasekharan, AVP-HR talent acquisition, Societal General, Mr. M.H. Raja, chairman NIPM-Madras Chapter and MD Lead HR Services Private Ltd.
Trends in the HR industry plus apps and software dominating the recruitment process etc were brought to light by the speakers. The speakers also revealed about what was expected from the aspiring candidates from the interviews.
As per U. Amleshwari, director, school of management, D.G. Vaishnava College, many speakers from all over India were invited for Tarang. It is important to note that Tarang-HR Congress intends to raise platform for HR professionals and young aspirants to excel.
In this Tarang many speakers belonging to different parts of HR shared their most influencing practices and initiatives. The director later spoke about how finding and keeping good employee is a challenging task now. She explained that the theme has been chosen so that the graduating students would get insight from various people on what to expect from the job market. The event also saw many speakers in senior positions addressing a range of issues in the field.