With the festival of Deepavali to come in just 2 days, people in Chennai and TN are worrying about rains now. The latest news is most parts of Tamil Nadu would continue to receive a moderate amount of rainfall and this would be till Saturday. This was revealed by the meteorological department.
It was pointed out by an official that rain might remain subdued over Chennai and there might be heavy rains in one or two places in Chennai.
On Friday, depression over the Arabian Sea is likely to intensify into a cyclonic storm and move east- northeastwards till 25th October. It is said that depression is expected to re-curve and move towards south Oman and Yemen cast in 3 days of time.
Point is the well-marked low-pressure area in the Bay of Bengal now lies over north coastal AP and south Odisha and west-central parts. Till Sunday, Chennai might get light rains in some places.
According to Mr. Balachandran, deputy director-general of meteorology, rains might have reduced in Chennai but many places in the state of TN got fairly widespread rains in the past 24 hours till the morning of Thursday. One import ant piece of information is Kilacheruvai in the district of Cuddalore received 15 cm of rains.