TTD (Thirumala Tirupathi Devasthanam) has decided to offer 1 free laddu for every devotee having a Darshan of Lord Venkateswara at the Tirupathi temple.
However, the subsidised prices of the laddus, offered until now by TTD, will be stopped!
Henceforth, the laddu price will be Rs. 50 per piece. And there is no limit for the number of laddus purchased.
Most of the devotees visiting Tirupathi for the Darshan of Lord Venkateswara undertake either Dharma Darisanam or Sarva Darisanam allowed through Aadhar card, or Divya Darisnam by the devotees coming on foot.
At the entrance of the Vaikuntam waiting for complex for the devotees, tokens are distributed to buy 4 laddus at a concessional price of Rs. 70 per piece.
It is established that it costs Rs, 40 for making each laddu. With this, the TTD authorities inform that yearly loss of up to Rs. 200 Crores are incurred due to the concessional tokens mentioned above.
So, TTD has decided to stop the token system of Laddu purchase at a price of Rs. 70. Instead, it has been decided to issue 1 free laddu to each devotee undertaking Darshans.
TTD has announced that additional laddus if required, can be purchased unlimited at a price of Rs. 50 per laddu. This procedure will be implemented shortly.
It is worth noting here that laddus are being sold at Rs. 50 per piece (in place of Rs. 25 per piece) outside the temple over the last 1 year!