The State Government of Tamil Nadu has ordered the ration shops to distribute the Pongal gift pack including the cash of Rs. 1000 from 9th to 12th January.
It is a traditional practice of the state government to offer Pongal gift to the citizens every year! Accordingly, for this year’s Pongal festival, 1kg Raw Rice, 1 kg sugar, 2’ long sugarcane piece, 20 grams of cashew nut, 20 grams of raisin, 5 grams of cardamom and a cash of Rs. 1000 for all the rice ration cardholders. This was announced by the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E. Palansamy on 26th December. Subsequently, he inaugurated this Pongal Gift Distribution even at the Chennai Chief Secretariat on 29th December.
It was also announced that 2.5 Crores of rice ration cardholders will benefit from this. A fund of Rs, 2363 Crores was allocated for this purpose.
Subsequently, the activity of procuring all the materials for the gift pack was initiated. In this situation, the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission announced on 2nd December the dates for conducting the local elections. It was further announced that the voting for the local elections is scheduled on 27th and 30th December.
Subsequently, the distribution of the Pongal gift pack was stopped. As on date, the local elections are over in most districts. As such, the state government of Tamil Nadu has now decided to distribute the Pongal gift pack and the cash of Rs. 1000 to 2.5 Crores ration-card holders.
Accordingly, the required items (raw rice, sugar, sugarcane, cashew nuts, raisins, and cardamom) have been procured. Currently, the activity making same small packets for the 20-gram cashew nuts, 20 grams raisins, and 5 grams of cardamom is in progress!
It is informed that this activity is nearing completion. The cash of Rs. 1000 will be distributed in the form of 2 Rs. 500 notes.
Once the Government Order is released, this gift packs will be sent to each ration shop.
The Pongal gift pack is scheduled to be distributed from 9th to 12th January.
Special arrangements have been made to facilitate the ration buyers to get their gift pack without any discomfort or crowd jostling.
In the ration shops where there are more than 500 ration-card holders, a list has been prepared to distribute the Pongal gift packs on a rotation-basis street-wise or ward-wise.
Arrangements have been made to display the details of the exact dates when the gift pack will be given to the residents streetwise.