Tamil Nadu State Government Transport Minister M. R. Vijayabhaskar has informed that as a preventive measure to stop coronavirus spread, the service of issuing LLRs in the RTOs (Road Transport Offices) is being stopped until 31st March.
A review meeting on the preventive measures to be undertaken to prevent coronavirus spread was conducted by the State Government Transport Department at 5.00 PM yesterday (Tuesday, 17th March) at the MTC Headquarters conference hall.
Senior officials, including the Chief Secretary of the State Transport Department Dharmendra Pratap Yadav, participated in this review meeting. Omni Buses Association President Afzal and others also participated.
The State transport minister had this review meeting and informed the World Health Organisation has declared the coronavirus spread as a global virus.
As such, disinfectants were sprayed on all the 21,092 buses operated by the Tamil Nadu Transport Corporation and used by a large number of public.
Various preventive measures against coronavirus spreading are being undertaken jointly at all the 386 bus stations by the departments of metro corporation administration, city corporation administration, and the department of public welfare.
The Minister informed that the private bus owners have been instructed to spray disinfectants on their 12,592 buses. Further, he insisted that all school and college buses must be maintained clean. He also discussed the preventive measures undertaken against coronavirus spread.
In subsequent talks with the press, the State Transport Minister informed that the number of passengers travelling in buses has come down drastically. So, it has been advised to reduce the number of buses being operated.
It has also been decided to stop the issue of LLRs (Learners’ Licence for driving) at the RTOs until 31st March. However, those whose licences issue procedures are completed can get their licences. This measure has been taken to restrict the gathering of a large number of people at a single place.
Also, operations of special buses have been stopped. Buses will be run based on the strength of the passengers!