Under the present lockdown conditions with imposed restrictions, th State Government of Tamil Nadu has introduced the facility7 of issuing an emergency travel pass, known as e-pass for the public who need to undertake emergency travel. Accordingly, e-passes are given by the Tamil Nadu state government for important/emergency occasions such as weddings, deaths, and for medical reasons.
In order to attend the wedding occasion of a close relative, it is possible to apply and get e-pass for travel from one district to another
The important criterion to obtain the e-pass is that the applicant must not have had any contact with patients affected coronavirus infection over the last 14 days.
In order for travel within the state of Tamil Nadu, the applicant has to apply online for e-pass at the website: http://rttn.n.nonresidenttamil.org. .
For emergency travel from Tamil Nadu to another state, the online application is to be done on the website: https://rtos.nonresidenttamil.org.
The application must be filled up completely. Details of the date of travel, address, name of the person travelling, and the related ID proof must all be furnished in this application.
Once the application for e-pass is received, SMS would be sent to the given mobile number.
Once the application is approved, another message will be received on the mobile. The travel now can be undertaken using this 2nd message.
Industrial organisations seeking e-pass for the official travel of their employees need to apply online at https://tnepass.tnega.org/#/userpass.
These industrial organisations need to apply with attached proofs such as GST/ROS/Registration Certificate. The vehicle registration numbers of the employees` travel must also be furnished.
QR Code will be linked with all e-passes. For any further information, the toll-free contact number of 1-800-425-1333 of the control room can be contacted.